Sunday, September 30, 2007


The following story was suggested by my daughter who found the experience of my first job rather funny, so here goes.......

It was the summer I turned 14 and we were living in a small tourist town in Colorado. Someone mentioned there was a job opening at the local hotel/spa, so I went in and applied. It was for an elevator operator for their small, French cage-like elevator. Throwing caution to the wind, I accepted the position.

I was told by the manager that I would need a uniform (black dirndl skirt and white peasant blouse). About 3 or 4 days into the job, I was coming down from the top floor when quite an updraft occurred. There were no inside doors on the elevator, only the individual doors at each floor. My skirt began to billow and snagged on something jutting out from the wall area of one of the floors. Before I realized what was happening, my skirt started to rip at the hemline and continued to do so up to the waistband. When the doors opened on the lobby level, there I stood holding my skirt together and hoping there weren't too many visitors waiting to board my car.

The manager had explained to me during my training that all but the top floor had to be judged where exactly to stop (using a hand lever). He said the elevator would automatically stop at the top floor, but suggested I judge that floor also. After about two weeks on the job, with a car load of people, I decided to let the auto-stop do its work. We arrived at the top floor and continued going up until we crashed into the roof! We were about 2 -1/2 feet past the floor, so I pried open the door, jumped down and got help for my passengers. Needless to say, there were some tense moments until they were rescued.

It was shortly thereafter that I was let go, as the manager explained state law prohibited anyone under 16 from operating mechanical equipment. Thus ended my exciting, but short lived occupation as an elevator operator!!!

Thanks to any and all of you who have left comments on my posts. I really appreciate hearing from you. Until next time, have a good week and my God bless you and yours.....


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Granddaughters - One of God's Gifts to Grandparents

It was 7:30 A.M. one recent morning and I was just about to step in the tub when the phone rang. It was Elizabeth, my daughter's oldest girl, and she was anxious to fill me in on all her news. She and her hubby are buying a new home and she wanted to share all the details with me. She was all aglow describing the house and trying to pin me down on when we would be visiting again so she could show the house to us. They are the proud parents of a beautiful baby boy and wanted a home of their own so he could have a backyard to play in. It was so sweet of her to want to share her joy with me. It had a lasting effect on me all day....

The Lord has truly blessed me with three wonderful granddaughters and four handsome grandsons. Being able to share things with them either by phone, computer or in person makes being a grandparent a true gift from God.

Until tomorrow or whenever may you be blessed.


Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Family That Blogs Together Stays Together

Dh (I learned that term from Mrs. Mac) took me shopping yesterday for a speaker phone so I could have my hands free for typing, etc., when my daughter or son is giving me a computer lesson. When my son heard that I was going to try blogging, he immediately wanted to set up his own blog. It's a pretty neat way for a mother and her children to stay in touch.

I'm sure my blogs will become more interesting when I learn how to include pictures or other art work to go along with the story. Until then, I hope you will stay with me and give me your feedback.......


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What Have I Gotten Myself Into??

Here I sit at my laptop wondering why at 71, and a great grandmother to boot, I decided to learn to use a computer. I'm doing ok at sending e-mails and checking on my daughter's blog, but setting up my own blog is another matter all together!! My daughter, who lives out of state, has been on the phone with me leading me through this confusing process. I'm hoping down the road I might be in contact with other seniors who are on the same page as I am when it comes to computer knowledge.